Comment réparer Unknown Device Code 43 ?

How to Fix Code 43 Errors

A troubleshooting guide for Code 43 errors in Device Manager

Updated on March 11, 2022

The Code 43 error is one of several Device Manager error codes. It's generated when Device Manager stops a hardware device because the hardware reported to Windows that it's having some kind of unspecified problem.

What Does a Code 43 Error Mean?

This generic message could mean there's a true hardware problem or it could simply mean that there's a driver error that Windows can't identify as such but that the hardware is being affected by it.

It will almost always display in the following way:

Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)

Details on Device Manager error codes like Code 43 are available when you view a device's status in its properties.

The Code 43 error could apply to any hardware device in Device Manager, though most Code 43 errors appear on video cards and USB devices like printers, webcams, iPhones, and related peripherals.

Device Manager error codes are exclusive to Device Manager. If you see the Code 43 error elsewhere in Windows, chances are it's a system error code, which you should not troubleshoot as a Device Manager problem.

Any of Microsoft's operating systems could experience a Code 43 Device Manager error, including Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and more.

How to Fix a Code 43 Error

Follow these steps in order, to resolve a Code 43 error. Because this message is generic, standard troubleshooting steps come first.

  1. Restart your computer if you haven't done so already.

    There is always the chance that the error Code 43 you're seeing on a device was caused by some temporary problem with the hardware. If so, a restart of your computer might fix the Code 43 error.

    Some people have also reported that powering off their computer completely (not just a restart) and then turning it back on has corrected their Code 43 warning if it sources from a USB device. In the case of a laptop, turn it off and remove the battery, wait a few minutes, and then put the battery back in and start the computer.

  2. Plug the device into a different computer and then properly eject it from there. Plug it back into your computer to see if it fixes the Code 43 error.

    If you have another computer to test this on, be sure to try this before moving on to the more complicated steps below.

  3. Did you install a device or make a change in Device Manager just before the Code 43 error appeared? If so, it's possible that the change you made caused the Code 43 error. Undo the change if you can, restart your PC, and then check again for the Code 43 error.

    Depending on the changes you made, some solutions might include:

    • Removing or reconfiguring the newly installed device
    • Rolling back the driver to a version prior to your update
    • Using System Restore to undo recent Device Manager related changes
  4. Disable the device and then re-enable it. This step provides Windows with a chance to take a fresh look at configuring the device.

    This might sound like a very simple fix, and that's because it is. However, this procedure might be all the computer needs to correct the Code 43 error.

  5. Reinstall the drivers for the device. Uninstalling and then reinstalling the drivers for the device is a possible solution to a Code 43 error.

    If a USB device is generating the Code 43 error, uninstall every device under the Universal Serial Bus controllers hardware category in Device Manager as part of the driver reinstall. This includes any USB Mass Storage Device, USB Host Controller, and USB Root Hub.

    Properly reinstalling a driver, as in the instructions linked above, is not the same as simply updating a driver. A full driver reinstall involves completely removing the currently installed driver and then letting Windows install it over again from scratch.

  6. Update the drivers for the device. It's also possible that installing the latest drivers for the device could correct the Code 43 error.

    If updating the drivers does remove the Code 43 error, it means that the stored Windows drivers you reinstalled in Step 4 were probably damaged or were the wrong drivers.

  7. Install the latest Windows service pack. One of Microsoft's service packs or other patches for Windows might contain a fix for whatever might be causing the Code 43 error, so if you're not fully updated, do so now.

  8. Update BIOS. In some situations, an outdated BIOS could be causing a specific issue with a device that's making it report a problem to Windows—thus the Code 43 error.

  9. Replace the data cable that connects the device to the computer, assuming it has one. This potential fix for a Code 43 error is most often useful if you're seeing the error on an external device like a USB or FireWire device.

  10. Purchase a powered USB hub if the Code 43 error is showing up for a USB device. Some USB devices need more power than the USB ports that are built into your computer can provide. Plugging those devices into a powered USB hub solves that challenge.

    Here Are the Best USB Hubs, Tested by Our Experts

  11. Replace the hardware. A problem with the device itself might be causing the Code 43 error, in which case replacing the hardware is your next logical step. In most cases, this is the solution to a Code 43 error but try the easier, and free, software-based troubleshooting ideas first.

    If you're positive that a hardware problem isn't causing the Code 43 error, you could try a repair install of Windows. If that doesn't work, try a clean install of Windows. We don't recommend doing either before you replace the hardware, but you may have to give them a try if you're out of other options.

  12. Another possibility, while not very likely, is that the device is incompatible with your version of Windows. You can always check the Windows HCL to be sure.


  • What does the error SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED mean?

    This is a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) error in Windows that occurs when a hardware driver malfunctions. The malfunction is typically caused by a corrupted, outdated, or incorrectly installed software driver.

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    You can view Windows error logs in the Event Viewer. To open, press Windows key+X. From the popup menu, select Event Viewer. View the logs under Windows Logs.

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Comment réparer USB Problème périphérique inconnu rapidement ?

Appuyez longuement (ou cliquez avec le bouton droit) sur le disque dur USB externe concerné par le problème, puis sélectionnez Désinstaller. Une fois le disque dur désinstallé, débranchez le câble USB. Attendez 1 minute, puis rebranchez le câble USB. Le pilote devrait se charger automatiquement.


Le code d'erreur 43 est un message générique qui indique généralement un problème avec le matériel ou le logiciel dans le système d'exploitation Windows. Cette erreur est souvent signalée dans le Gestionnaire de périphériques de Windows.

Pourquoi peripherique USB non reconnu ?

Un contrôleur mal configuré peut également faire en sorte que votre USB ne soit pas reconnue. Vous devrez les désinstaller puis les réinstaller. Vous devez double-cliquer sur Universal Serial Driver sous le contrôleur de bus puis sélectionner "Afficher le périphérique".